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Import Procedures Transportation
Posted on April 9, 2018 in Import, Transportation

Car transfer to Bulgaria

The documents required for initial registration of motor vehicles in Bulgaria are as follows: Application for registration; Ownership documents – a contract for the purchase of the car (the contract should be elaborated bilingual in Greek or English and Bulgarian language) Diagnostic technical sheet of the vehicle certifying that the vehicle is in good shape; ‘Liability Insurance”, issued by an insurance company. Power of attorney for the authorized person to make the registration in the Bulgarian Traffic Police. The car should be registered within 14 days after the signing of the purchase contract before the Bulgarian Traffic Police. Since 2008 before the registration of the car in Bulgaria an additional “eco tax” should be paid. In order to calculate the exact costs we need to have additional information for the car, that is: type, model, year of manufacture, type of the engine, engine power. The costs that should be paid to the Traffic Police for the registration of the car are about 120 euro and include the new car plates and the inspection of the car. Additional cost shall be necessary for the “eco tax” and the insurance for accident liability, but the exact amounts dependo in the specification of […]

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Posted on April 9, 2018 in Transportation

Performance of a “transit sale” through a Bulgarian Commercial Company

1. The Bulgarian legislation gives the opportunity to perform transactions related to the so called “transit sales”, whereas a Bulgarian company (the intermediary trader) enters into Contracts for the purchase of goods from a company in an EU country-member (the supplier), and,  for the sale of those goods to a company in a country outside the EU (the receiver), whereas the goods are transported directly from the country of the supplier to the country of the receiver without passing through Bulgaria ( the country of the intermediary trader). In the studied case there are several separate trade transactions between the following commercial companies: “А” – the supplier of goods, registered under the VAT System in France “B” – the intermediary trader/ Bulgarian company registered under the VAT System in Bulgaria “С” – the ultimate receiver/consignee of the goods in Ukraine, a country which is not an EU member The ‘transit sale’ for VAT purposes are performed as follows: Company “А” sells the goods to company “B” and issues an invoice to “B” subject to the transaction. The goods leave the territory of France, rather, they are transported from “A” for the account and on behalf of “B” to “C” outside […]

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